10 月から短いドキュメンタリーフィルムの作成を始めた。シャプラニールが2000年から2011年まで支援を続けたストリートチルドレン支援事業の中で出会った子どもたちに焦点を当てた30分くらいのドキュメンタリーで、事業を通じて成長した子どもたち数名の過去、現在を記録したものにする予定である。子どもたちが生活をするドロップイン・センターや、そこで暮らす子どもたちの様子、事業を物心両面で支援している近所の人たちなど撮影は順調に進んでいる。
We have been working on a documentary film of ex-street children who were or are beneficiaries of Street Children Support Project. The project started on September 2000 with partnership of Aparajeyo Bangladesh and Shapla Neer. Although financial support to the project from Shapla Neer finished on March 2011, we still have a good relationship with them.
This 30-minute-or-so documentary will try to portray life of ex-street children who are now in the mainstream society. Shooting on Drop-in-Center, children, community who has been supporting the project both financially and psychologically.
It was my turn to have a shooting yesterday. Prior to mine, interview of Ms. Wahida Banoo who is Executive Director of Aparajeyo Bangladesh was taken. I was a bit nervous as my interview was in Bangla and did more than couple of takes.