
<エベレスト登頂を果たしたニシャット・マズムデールさん(おそらく左)の写真とNGOプラン・インターナショナルのお祝いの広告:Photo of Nishat Mazumder and Plan’s advertisement to congratulate her great achievement >
It has been extremely hot. It may reach over 35 centigrade and high humidity makes life so difficult here.
Friday and Saturday is a weekend in Bangladesh. Our office was closed yesterday. I was busy with cleaning and laundry in the morning and decided to go out to escape this heat and humidity.
After browsing some shops, I went to Aarong, a fair trade organization run by BRAC, one of the largest NGO in Bangladesh, or I should say in the world.
I found the beautiful CD with title “Nari”, Woman in Bengali displayed at the cashier.
This music CD is a product of rom BRAC’s Adolescent Development Programme released on International Women’s day, 8 March. You can find beautiful smiles of girls who sang songs for this CD. Music itself are also great as many famous musicians are collaborating.
A couple weeks ago, two Bangladeshi women succeeded in reaching the summit of Everest. There was no other woman before them.
I hope many girls/women inspired by this CD and the news will take the challenge and demonstrate their ability. And strongly hope we, Shapla Neer can also provide such a opportunity to girls/women in this country.