
I went to Chittagong last week to attend interviews for a project staff of the partner organization, YPSA.


<列車の概観: the train to Chittagong>


We took a train from Dhaka to Chittagong which takes about 6 hours. So I brought some documents and a book with me to kill the time.Mr. Saiful, a trustful Dhaka staff, was with me and his seat was originally just next me, but after some negotiation by other passengers, he sit one seat a head of me.  


A young Bangladesh woman, who sits next to me started to talk.She finished her master degree in Political Science. So we chatted for a while. Then I went to back to my document reading. An elder women, who sits next to ails questioned me.





 Elder woman “Are you going for an interview?” 

Me “???”

Elder woman “Are you preparing yourself for job interview in Chittagong?”

Me “Well…”

彼女は、私が(日本人に顔が良く似ている) チッタゴン丘陵地帯に住む少数民族であり、これからチッタゴンに戻る途中で、就職のために面接を受けるので書類を読んで準備をしていると勘違いしていたのである。

She thought I am from the Chittagong Hill Tract which is bordering with Myanmar. Many ethnic groups reside that area whose faces quite look alike us. So she though I am a job seeker going back home to attend the interview. 


<内部はこんな感じ。冷房効いてました。:Inside of the train (air-conditioned cabin)>


Well, it was close but not enough, I guess. I was the interviewer, not interviewee. The last couple of letters make a big different. Then I imagine being a woman who is preparing myself to receive an interview and I became a bit nervous but had fun as well. It’s necessary to put myself in someones shoes so that I will get much insight!